Banks are complex institutions and communications have to be managed across a wide range of products and scenarios which presents an array of challenges to communications departments. SMS is concise and impactful, lends itself well to automation, and can be accessed on even the most basic mobile phone which makes it an accessible and cost effective way to keep customers informed.
At Púca we are committed to information security and compliance, and it is a key part of our service to our clients. We use Vanta for information security monitoring and training and we are also approved as part of the Hellios FSQS (Financial Services Qualification System) supplier community which is a mark of trust and safety in the financial services industry. Púca was among the first companies taking part in the sender ID registry proramme in Ireland, launched by the Mobile Ecosystem Forum of which we are a member. CEO Eileen Carroll has been proactive about introducing our financial services clients to this programme and introducing other security measures.