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The team here at Púca are delighted to announce our membership of the Mobile Ecosystem Forum (MEF).
Established in 2000, the Mobile Ecosystem Forum (MEF) is a global trade body that acts as an impartial and authoritative champion for addressing issues affecting the broadening mobile ecosystem. The MEF provides members with a global and cross-sector platform for networking, collaboration and advancing industry solutions.
Members include SMS gateway providers such as Púca as well as Mobile Network Operators, operating system and Platform Providers, Professional Services and other sectors.
The goal is to accelerate the growth of a sustainable mobile ecosystem that drives inclusion for all and delivers trusted services that enrich the lives of consumers worldwide.
In joining the MEF Púca has joined hundreds of leading organizations, collaborating to address the messaging industry’s business challenges to empower enterprise digital transformation.
Initiatives that Púca will actively participate in are the Future of Messaging, the Wholesale messaging forum and the Fraud management and security forums which focus on reducing Smishing and Spoofing by SMS.
“Messaging is the key to effective business communications, and what the MEF does is brings the industry players together to discuss the important issues and developments to benefit the entire ecosystem. Púca looks forward to playing an active part in this very vital community”.
Eileen Carroll, Púca CEO
At the recent event “MEF Connects on Demand: Securing Current and Future Mobile Messaging Traffic”, James Williams, Director of Programmes at MEF commented; “Initiatives like M EF’s UK SenderID Registry programme (now also being implemented in Ireland and Singapore) and indeed our Business SMS Code of Conduct, bringing stakeholders together around a common cause, are great ways of working towards the common goal of minimising threats.”
“Initiatives like MEF’s UK SenderID Registry programme (now also being implemented in Ireland and Singapore) and indeed our Business SMS Code of Conduct, bringing stakeholders together around a common cause, are great ways of working towards the common goal of minimising threats.”
James Williams, Director of Programmes at MEF
For more about the MEF and their Cyber Security in messaging initiatives visit Mobileecosystemforum.com.