FREENOW: SMS for Driver Communications
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Success Story
The Dublin Simon Community had great success using Púca’s SMS systems as part of their fundraising campaigns.
The Simon Communities in Ireland work to prevent and address homelessness, offering support to over 16,700 individuals annually. As part of their efforts, the Dublin Simon Community used Púca’s SMS system to communicate with corporate donors about claiming tax deductions on large donations.
The need for timely communication was crucial, as the tax deadline for these donations was fast approaching. By using SMS, the Dublin Simon Community was able to reach out to donors quickly and efficiently, ensuring that they were able to claim the tax deductions they were entitled to within the required timeframe.
The Dublin Simon Community contacted Púca to request assistance in sending an SMS to donors in order to quickly and effectively communicate a message and maximize response rates. SMS is an effective communication tool because it has a high read rate – 90% of messages are read within the first 3 minutes, and the overall read rate is 98%.
Additionally, SMS enables donors to easily reply with any necessary information, making it possible to roll out a call-to-action campaign in a short period of time.
We ran an SMS campaign to prompt larger donors to complete tax information allowing us to claim tax back to our organisation. Púca’s SMS system made it easy for us to contact these donors and collect the information needed.
The campaign was a great success and exceeded our targets. Púca were so helpful and made the whole process completely seamless for us.”
Stephanie Nolan, Dublin Simon Community Corporate Partnerships Manager
The campaign was successful in achieving a higher-than-anticipated response rate, enabling The Dublin Simon Community to claim tax back on many corporate donations. This provided a valuable opportunity for the charity to raise additional funds, which will be used to support their services.”
Stephanie Nolan